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Bogdan Uzelac

Bogdan Uzelac

Chief Commercial Officer

Bogdan Uzelac is the Chief Commercial Officer of Yettel Bulgaria since August 2020. He leads the teams responsible for driving customer base growth and business development in existing and new segments, and oversees a wide range of functions including business transformation, brand management, marketing communications, business sales, and product marketing.

He has over 15 years of experience in the telecommunications sector specializing in marketing, sales, digital services, and technology. He is a proven leader in the development of digital telcos across diverse international markets, including Central and Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, Russia, and the CIS region.

An economist by education, Bogdan Uzelac has held various management roles in retail telecommunications, market research and analysis, pricing, value and segment management at Yettel Serbia and was a Senior Vice President Consumer Market at Telenor Denmark between 2013 and 2016. Before joining Yettel Bulgaria, Bogdan Uzelac held the position of Senior Vice President of Customer Base and Value Management at Beeline Russia.